Friday, April 23, 2010

QTP - Hybrid FrameWork - Part II

QTP - Hybrid FrameWork - Part I

In part - I, I have explained about core framework architecture and keywords design.
In this post I am planning to explain the design by taking Mercury Tours.

Test Case Generator - It is an excel file containing macros and two work sheets "KeyList" and "KeyWord".
"KeyList" sheet is the place where "KeyWords" are created.
How to design KeyWords ?
Attaching the "KeyList" screen shot.

I use following naming convention by using Camel Case format for all the Keywords to increase the readability.
Let me explain by taking a KeyWords from the above screen shot.

Mt - Mercury Tours (All the Keywords for mercury site will use this prefix)
WelcomeMercuryToursP - Welcome Mercury Tours Page (Page Title displayed on the browser)
UserNamePasswordEnter - To fill User name(Parameter 1) and Password(Parameter 2) fields.

Mt - Mercury Tours (All the Keywords for mercury site will use this prefix)
WelcomeMercuryToursP - Welcome Mercury Tours Page (Page Title displayed on the browser)
SignInBtnSelect - Select Sign In Button

Mt - Mercury Tours (All the Keywords for mercury site will use this prefix)
BookAFlightP - Book A Flight Page (Page Title displayed on the browser)
PassengerDetailsEnter - To fill First name (P1), Last Name(P2), Meal Type (P3)

Following points to be considered while designing the Key words
1. Each key word should be self explanatory. Don't not bother about the length, you are not typing it, just selecting from the drop-down.
2. Granularity of the Key word.
3. No two keywords should perform the same task or having similar methods for an object.

Major issues with Key Word Driven Framework
1. If user type incorrect key word, your test may fail as it can't resolve the Key word.
2. It would be difficult to remember the input parameters for each key word. Some have one or more and others don't have.

To overcome the above mentioned issues this excel file was created.

Each key word can have none or one or more number of parameters. Each parameter is classified as Mandate(m) or Optional(o) and its name is provided in the corresponding cell as comments (as "User name" in the above screen shot.

All these keywords are listed as drop down in the "Keyword" sheet. Attaching the screen shot.

While creating the test case, user need to select the key words as per the test steps mentioned in the manual test case. Any one can create automation test case as each key word is self-explanatory. Attaching the screen shot.

You can also create key words to capture content from the screen. Like flight conformation details in the mercury tours, attaching the screen shot.

Core framework libraries will fetch each key word from the above sheet and pass it to the "Driver Script Case Structure" function. Attaching screen shots.

(fun - All functions start with this prefix)
Each keyword is calling corresponding page functions. Page function consist of a single page objects methods which are divided into groups as per the KeyWord granularity.

As the function is calling another function to actually execute methods on the web page (In the above screen shot Function 1 calling Function2), it is named as "Dual Function Hybrid Framework" 

Page function logic for processing the keyWords.
1. Check for page synchronization. (It doesn't make sense to perform any method if the page is not downloaded successfully)
2. Declare the objects using DP.
3. Execute methods based on the keyword selected by using iKeyWordMethodsSelect. Core framework libraries will automatically pass the excel sheet input parameters into this function.

It is designed in such a way that QTP engineers need to concentrate on the web page objects, methods, they need not worry about the background logic. Core framework libraries automatically fetch and update data from corresponding sheets, this complex process is completely encapsulated. This will reduce the errors and increase the automation project efficiency. This design will not through any runtime errors even if browser not loaded successfully or objects missing from the screen, this error handling process is written separately. Never complicate the QTP code by inserting multiple validations, keep in mid you are testing the application, not the QTP framework or VB code.

Attaching few page function screen shots along with the corresponding web pages.

Re-usability(100%), Maintainability, Modularity, Ability to configure, Ease of use, Stability, Flexibility, Ease of code design are the important factors considered during design.
I have explained the main design, actual framework is more complex (Implementation of Response time calculation, Register methods, Object highlighting, beep on click...)

It also calculate average page response time of all the pages and generate a report in an excel format. Attaching the screen shot of average time and page count.

Evolution of this framework took 3 years, nearly spent 3 months just for optimizing the code.
Please let me know, If I had missed any functionality that has been implemented in any of your frameworks.
I think, this can help you in designing your own framework as per your project requirements.
Good Luck !

I have received many comments regarding the function "garrBroPag((fungarrBroPagFindRowIndex(1,1,))+1,6))" . I have provided explanations below (read my comments). For more clarity, I am attaching the excel screen shot.


Monday, April 12, 2010

QTP - Display real time test status.

 QTP - Display real time test status.
When your test is getting executed, it would be always better to understand the health of the application, how many test cases are getting PASSED and FAILED. We can take immediate action if more number of test cases are getting failed.

To display these messages, we need to use msgbox, but there is a problem with MsgBox, user need to select OK every time it appear on the screen, so we can't use this.
We need a pop-up that close automatically after x seconds, if user have not selected any button. This is the kind of pop-up we require for displaying the real time status.

This kind of pop-up can be created using "Wscript.Shell"

Set goShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
iUserInput=goShell.popup ("Pop-up message", 03, "Pop-up Title")
Above code will display the pop-up for 3 seconds and close it automatically.

You can design the pop-up message content as per the requirements, I have created the pop-up in great detail, as my tests are getting executed in different locations and have number of settings.Attaching screen shot of Hybrid Framework real time status message.

Attaching the function pertaining to the above pop-up message. I have used number of variables, which keep on updating after each test case execution completion, this design will not have any impact on the performance of your test.

Function funDisplayTestExecuationStatus()
        Set goShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
        Set goShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
        Dim sMsg

        iProcessedByQTP = giTotalTestCasesIgnored+cint(giTotalTestCasesPass) + cint(giTotalTestCasesFail)+cint(giTotalTestCasesBadInputs)
        sMsg = "Test Execution Place or System IP  :" '& Environment("envsPlace") & vbcr & vbcr
        sMsg =sMsg & "Test Start time  :" & gdtTestStartTime & vbcr        
'        sMsg =sMsg & "Current      time :" & funGetTimeStamp() & vbcr & vbcr
        sMsg =sMsg & "Current     time  :" & Now() & vbcr
        sMsg =sMsg & gsTimeZone & vbcr & vbcr        
        sMsg =sMsg & "Test Execution  Mode  :" & gsTypeOfExecuationMode & vbcr    
        sMsg = sMsg & "Last Processed Test Case ID  : " & gsTestCaseIdControl & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "############################################################" & vbcr        
        sMsg = sMsg & "Test Cases Processed By QTP / Total  : " & iProcessedByQTP  & " / " & giControlFileRows-1 & vbcr & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "Total Test Cases Executed : " & cint(giTotalTestCasesPass) + cint(giTotalTestCasesFail)+cint(giTotalTestCasesBadInputs) & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "---------------------------------------------------" & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "Total Test Cases PASS : " & giTotalTestCasesPass & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "Total Test Cases FAIL : " & giTotalTestCasesFail & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "Total Test Cases BAD INPUTS : " & giTotalTestCasesBadInputs & vbcr & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "Total Test Cases Ignored : " & giTotalTestCasesIgnored & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "---------------------------------------------------" & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "Total Test Cases PASS : " & giTotalTestCasesIgnoredPass & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "Total Test Cases FAIL : " & giTotalTestCasesIgnoredFail & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "Total Test Cases BAD INPUTS : " & giTotalTestCasesIgnoredBadInputs & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "Total Test Cases EMPTY STATUS : " & giTotalTestCasesIgnoredEmpty & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "Total Test Cases UNKNOWN STATUS : " & giTotalTestCasesIgnoredUnKnownStatus & vbcr & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "Control File Name        : " & gsControlFileName & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "Selected Folder Name : " & gsSelectedFolder & vbcr & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "Execute Flag Mode       : " & gsExecuteFlagStartUp & vbcr 
        sMsg = sMsg & "Execution Status Mode : " & gsExecutionStatusStartUp & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "Execute Specific Test Case IDs : " & gsExecuteSpecificTestCaseIds & vbcr & vbcr        
        sMsg = sMsg & "Exception Exit Counter : " & giExceptionsCounterStartUp & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "Test Report Pop-Up Delay(Sec)  : " & giPopUpDelay & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "Test Report Pop-Up Display : " & gsPopUpDisplay & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "Object Highlighting : " & gsObjectHighlight & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "Web Page Synchronization time out (Sec) : " & giWebPageSync & vbcr   
        sMsg = sMsg & "Silent Mode : " & gsSilentMode & vbcr           
        sMsg = sMsg & "Beep Mode : " & gsBeepMode & vbcr       
        sMsg = sMsg & "Email Notification : " & gsEmailNotification & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "############################################################" & vbcr        
        sMsg = sMsg & "Calculate Avg Response Time Flag : " & gsAvgResponseTimeFlag & vbcr & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "Test Cases Processed By QTP / Total  : " & cInt(giProcessedByQTPResponceTime) + cint(giIgnoredFailByQTPResponceTime) + cint(giIgnoredByQTPResponceTime) + cint(giProcessedByQTPResponceTimeNot) & " / " & giControlFileRows-1 & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbcr
        sMsg = sMsg & "Total Test Cases, Response Time Recorded  : " & giProcessedByQTPResponceTime & vbcr 
        sMsg = sMsg & "Total Test Cases PASS, Response Time Not Considered  : " & giProcessedByQTPResponceTimeNot & vbcr 
        sMsg = sMsg & "Total Test Cases Fail, Response Time Ignored : " & giIgnoredFailByQTPResponceTime & vbcr         
        sMsg = sMsg & "Total Test Cases, Resposce Time Ignored     : " & giIgnoredByQTPResponceTime & vbcr & vbcr          
        sMsg = sMsg & "Press OK to STOP Execution ..."

        giExitFlag = goShell.popup (sMsg, 09, "Test Report (Real Time)")
End Function

For more details look into Hybrid Framework.


Friday, April 9, 2010

Improving site performance.

Improving site performance.

1. Enabling compression- Web server send the data in compressed format.
Attaching screen shot showing the same web response in normal and compressed format, large variation in response size.

2. Tuning stored procedures (SP), run the profiler on a single user, capture SP calls and identify which are taking more CPU time.

3. Caching.

4. Load balancing .


QTP - Check page synchronization, when page contain AJAX calls

QTP - Check page synchronization, when page contain AJAX calls

 AJAX (Asynchronous java and XML) is preferred solution for creating fluid applications with advance user interactivity. Traditionally browser use GET and PUT method to refresh entire page for every interaction with the server, this would create load on server and network. By using AJAX, browser and server exchange small amounts of data in (XML or JASON format) asynchronously in the background through XMLHttpRequest object with out reloading the whole page for every user action. Javascript code use the data received from the server and update HTML in browser DOM (Document object model) which contain all the elements of the browser session.

Generally we use .sync to check whether the page got downloaded successfully.
If page contains AJAX calls, .sync will not help us determine whether the page got downloaded successfully.
We need to use different techniques to conform whether the page got downloaded successfully.

It is always a best practice to implement loader icon for AJAX calls, this will help us understand when the request got completed. Insist developers to install loader icons where content is displayed based on AJAX call, this will also help user understand visually some content need to be downloaded.

Capture the element id of the loader icon. By looking at the page source code we can easily find the id or developers can help you in finding the element id.

In order to check whether the loader icon appearing or disappearing on the screen, we need to access the element style object. Style object has many properties, but now we are looking into Display property.

Different values associated with the display property are None, Block.... none - Element will not be displayed block - Element will be displayed
Now you need to check these properties in page DOM.

DOM define standard way of accessing and manipulating HTML content.
We can access page DOM through QTP using .Object  

Same method is used by developers to make loader icon appear/disappear, they assign the values directly, where as we check the value.

Attaching sample code to check page synchronization having AJAX calls.
1. ( = "block" )TRUE, loader icon exist still data is loading.
2. I have used timers, it will wait for 50 seconds only. Some thing gone wrong if it take more time.

Set oBrow = Browser("title:=Search Results").Page("title:=Search Results")
Set objElement = oBrow.object.getElementById("ctl00_cr_UpdateProgress1")
While (( = "block" ) AND MercuryTimers("Timer1").ElapsedTime < 50000)
        Set oBrow = Browser("title:=Search Results").Page("title:=Search Results")
'        Print
If MercuryTimers("Timer1").ElapsedTime >= 50000 Then
        gsExecutionStatusTestCase = conF
        gsStatusMessageTestCase = gsStatusMessageTestCase &  "Issue with the page loading, exceeded the time limit.  "  &  " # "
        Exit Function
End If                        


Thursday, April 8, 2010

QTP - Rename file names, copy folders and delete files

QTP - Rename file names, copy folders and delete files

When test is scheduled to run daily, results generated in today's test will be erased by tomorrows test. In order to preserve the results, script should automatically copy the result folder to a new location, rename the files with current time stamp and delete the old files, so that new test can be started.

For more details follow this link Schedule framework or test using AOM script.


QTP - Capture screen shot.

QTP - Capture screen shot.

During test execution, if any of the test cases got failed, it is always a best practice to capture the screen shot. This will help us to resolve the problem easily.

Following are the difficulties faced while capturing the screen shot using QTP.
1. Name to be assigned for each screen shot.
2. Where to store the screen shot files.
3. How to notify the user this particular screen shot belongs to a specific particular test case.

Attaching screen shot function that can be called when required.
1. Assign current time stamp as screen shot name.
2. Store the files in the specified folder. I have used global variable (gsFolderPath).
3. Mention the screen shot name generated in the step 1 in the test case using global variable (gsStatusMessageTestCase).

Function ScreenShot()
        Dim sDateTimeNow, sFilePath
        sDateTimeNow = funUnique()
        sFilePath = gsFolderPath & "ScreenShots\" & "ScreenShot_" &  funUnique() & ".png"
        Desktop.CaptureBitmap sFilePath, True
        gsStatusMessageTestCase = gsStatusMessageTestCase & " SCREEN SHOT ID " & sDateTimeNow & " # "
End Function

Function funUnique()
        funUnique = "QTP_" & funGetTimeStamp() & "_" & Environment("envsPlace")
End Function
Attaching screen shots folder screen shot.

Attaching test case screen shot, displaying the application screen shot details at the failed step.

Follow this link for actual implementation in the framework.


QTP - Generate unique name or ID

QTP - Generate unique name or ID

Many times we require unique names or id for creating file names....
I prefer creating unique names by using month, date, year, hour, minute and second (Oct_27_2009_09_04_53).
This will help us to track when it is created, easily readable format.
You can further add tags to classify the names into different types (QTP_Oct_27_2009_09_04_53).

Attaching the function to generate ids as stated above.

Function funGetTimeStamp()
        sDateTIme = Now()
        iDate = Datepart("d",sDateTime)
        iLen = Len(iDate)
        If iLen = 1 Then
                iDate = "0" & iDate
        End If
        sMonth=  mid(MonthName(Datepart("m",sDateTime)),1,3)
        iYear = Datepart("yyyy",sDateTime)
        iHour = Datepart("h",sDateTime)
        iLen = Len(iHour)
        If iLen = 1 Then
                iHour = "0" & iHour
        End If
        iMinute = Datepart("n",sDateTime)
        iLen = Len(iMinute)
        If iLen = 1 Then
                iMinute = "0" & iMinute
        End If
        iSec = Datepart("s",sDateTime)
        iLen = Len(iSec)
        If iLen = 1 Then
                iSec = "0" & iSec
        End If
        funGetTimeStamp =  sMonth & "_" &  iDate & "_" & iYear & "_" & iHour & "_" & iMinute & "_" & iSec 
End Function


QTP - How to handle different messages generated in the test or framework

QTP - How to handle different messages generated in the test or framework

During test execution based on the requirements different messages are generated. All the messages need to be captured and printed in the log file at the end of test execution.

Attaching sample log file screen shot.

To capture the messages I have created the function funMessages(sMessages), this function can store any number of messages. Once the test is completed we can dump the data into log files.

This function will capture the messages with time stamp, created two global variables gsMessagesCounter, gsMessages (array).

Function funMessages(sMessages)
        gsMessagesCounter = gsMessagesCounter + 1
        gsMessages(gsMessagesCounter) = Now() & "  -  " & sMessages
End Function

Sample code to write the above captured data into a log file

Set oFS=createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")
Set oNotepad = oFS.createtextfile(gsTestSummaryFilePath)

oNotepad.writeline("System Generated Messages Log")          
For iCounter = 1 to gsMessagesCounter
        oNotepad.writeline gsMessages(iCounter)    


Set oFS = Nothing
Set oNotepad = Nothing   

Above mentioned code can capture any number of messages with time stamp and safely dump on the log file.


QTP - Find system IP

QTP - Find system IP

If your test is getting executed from different location, it is always a good practice to capture the system IP, so that we can distinguish the results clearly.  

Attaching sample code.

strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE MACAddress > ''"
Set colItems      = goWMIService.ExecQuery( strQuery, "WQL", 48 )
For Each objItem In colItems
    If IsArray( objItem.IPAddress ) Then
        If UBound( objItem.IPAddress ) = 0 Then
            strIP = objItem.IPAddress(0)
            strIP = Join( objItem.IPAddress, "," )
        End If
    End If
Set colItems      = Nothing
Print strIP

In the following article, system will detect the location name based on the IP address. If no matching location is found based on the IP address, it would treat IP address as location Schedule framework or test using AOM script.


QTP - Available physical memory.

QTP - Available physical memory.

If your framework or test is getting executed for more than one hour, it would be better to monitor the available physical memory. This will help us to detect memory leak.

It is a good practice to destroy objects after associated task got completed.

Attaching function that capture available physical memory. I have used function funMessages(sMessages) that would take care of all the messages and print in the log file automatically or we can use print sMessages statement.

Function funAvailablePhysicalMemory()
        set colOS = goWMIService.InstancesOf("Win32_OperatingSystem")
        for each objOS in colOS
               sMessages =  "Available Physical Memory: " & _
                             round(objOS.FreePhysicalMemory / 1024) & " MB"
        Call funMessages(sMessages)      
        set colOS = Nothing
End Function 


QTP - How to play sound

QTP - How to play sound

Reason for implementing this feature in Hybrid Framework. - One of the developer told me that you are not calculating page response time correctly there is flaw in page synchronization code. In order to prove that I am correct, I have implemented this feature. When system select any action on the control it will generate a beep, once page sync is complete, it will generate different beep. After showing the same to the developer, he agreed that my page response time code is correct.

Attaching the beep function, replace the path of the wave files.

Function funBeep(iBeepNumber)
        strSoundFile = "C:\Automation FrameWork\Config\Blip.wav"
        strSoundFile1 = "C:\Automation FrameWork\Config\notify.wav"
        If gsBeepMode = "ON"  Then
                Select Case iBeepNumber
                        Case 1 : strCommand = "sndrec32 /play /close " & chr(34) & strSoundFile & chr(34) : goShell.Run strCommand, 0, False
                        Case 2 : strCommand = "sndrec32 /play /close " & chr(34) & strSoundFile1 & chr(34) : goShell.Run strCommand, 0, False
                End Select
        End If
End Function


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

NeoLoad - Load testing tool

NeoLoad - Load testing tool

Link to NeoLoad website

One of the best load testing tool that I have seen in commercial and open source tool market for WEB 2.0.
It support AJAX, Flex and cheaper when compared with top commercial tools.

You can download the trial version and play with it.

Salient features of this tool.

1. Scriptless – All GUI driven which means 1) less mistakes 2) easier to read/understand 3) less of learning curve. Javascript can be used for additional functionality.
2. Monitors are agentless and easy to hook up.
3. Lightweight virtual users – you can generate more load with less hardware.
4. Handling of dynamic parameters (including Flex framework parameters) is both automated and GUI assisted.
5. Automatically handles all cookies that are set in the http header – no correlation step needed.
6. Written in java (both the Console and LG’s) so the product is scalable by nature (by adjusting heap sizes).
7. Organization intuitive – each project is a web application and you can store All scripts in one project.
8. Powerful Comparison report feature which quickly allows a tester to see the differences between runs after a tuning process.
9. Populations of users which have a restricted Bandwidth (ex. Connected to internet via modem).
10. Graphing section allows you to easily identify saturation points within your environment.
11. Can generate the load from the Cloud (through a partnership).
12. Provides excellent and reactive Support.
13. Software size around 100MB (some of the commercial tools size around 2GB)
14. Support IE, Firefox and Netscape.
15. Can maintain multiple connection with the server (IE maintain 2 connections).

I really liked the tool Fork action, handling dynamic parameters, light weigh virtual users, comparison report and ability to create new graphs.


QTP - How to capture System Information.

QTP - How to capture System Information.

Some time we may require to capture system information of the PC on which test is executed.

Host Name: QTP-TEST
OS Name: Microsoft Windows XP Professional
OS Version: 5.1.2600 Build 2600
OS Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation
OS Configuration: Workstation
OS Build Type: Multiprocessor Free
Registered Owner:
Registered Organization:
Product ID:
Original Install Date: 10/15/2009 3:04:57 PM
System Up Time: 10/21/2009 3:08:08 AM
Windows Directory: C:\WINDOWS
System Directory: C:\WINDOWS\system32
BootDevice: \Device\HarddiskVolume2
System Locale: 0409
Total Physical Memory: 2005 MB
Available Physical Memory: 1245 MB
Page File: Max Size: 2048 MB
Page File: Available: 2006 MB
System Manufacturer: Dell Inc.
System Model: OptiPlex 755                
System Type: X86-based PC
Processor(s): 2 Processor(s) Installed.
    [1]: x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11 ~2327Mhz
    [2]: x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11 ~2327Mhz
BIOS Version: DELL   - d

Attaching sample code to capture above information, I capture this information to a log file so I am sending data to notepad object.

        Set oFS=createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")
        Set oNotepad = oFS.createtextfile(gsTestSummaryFilePath)

        set dicProductType = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        dicProductType.Add 1, "Workstation"
        dicProductType.Add 2, "Domain Controller"
        dicProductType.Add 3, "Standalone Server"
        set objWMIDateTime = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")
        set colOS = goWMIService.InstancesOf("Win32_OperatingSystem")
        for each objOS in colOS
           oNotepad.writeline "Host Name: " & objOS.CSName
           oNotepad.writeline "OS Name: " & objOS.Caption
           oNotepad.writeline "OS Version: " & objOS.Version & " Build " & objOS.BuildNumber
           oNotepad.writeline "OS Manufacturer: " & objOS.Manufacturer
           oNotepad.writeline "OS Configuration: " & dicProductType.Item(objOS.ProductType)
           oNotepad.writeline "OS Build Type: " & objOS.BuildType
           oNotepad.writeline "Registered Owner: " & objOS.RegisteredUser
           oNotepad.writeline "Registered Organization: " & objOS.Organization
           oNotepad.writeline "Product ID: " & objOS.SerialNumber
           objWMIDateTime.Value = objOS.InstallDate
           oNotepad.writeline "Original Install Date: " & objWMIDateTime.GetVarDate
           objWMIDateTime.Value = objOS.LastBootUpTime
           oNotepad.writeline "System Up Time: " & objWMIDateTime.GetVarDate
           oNotepad.writeline "Windows Directory: " & objOS.WindowsDirectory
           oNotepad.writeline "System Directory: " & objOS.SystemDirectory
           oNotepad.writeline "BootDevice: " & objOS.BootDevice
           oNotepad.writeline "System Locale: " & objOS.Locale
'           oNotepad.writeline "Time Zone: " & "GMT" & objOS.CurrentTimezone
           oNotepad.writeline "Total Physical Memory: " & _
                        round(objOS.TotalVisibleMemorySize / 1024) & " MB"
           oNotepad.writeline "Available Physical Memory: " & _
                         round(objOS.FreePhysicalMemory / 1024) & " MB"
           oNotepad.writeline "Page File: Max Size: " & _
                         round(objOS.TotalVirtualMemorySize / 1024) & " MB"
           oNotepad.writeline "Page File: Available: " & _
                         round(objOS.FreeVirtualMemory / 1024) & " MB"
        set colCS = goWMIService.InstancesOf("Win32_ComputerSystem")
        for each objCS in colCS
           oNotepad.writeline "System Manufacturer: " & objCS.Manufacturer
           oNotepad.writeline "System Model: " & objCS.Model
           oNotepad.writeline "System Type: " & objCS.SystemType
           oNotepad.writeline "Domain: " & objCS.Domain
           oNotepad.writeline "Processor(s): " & objCS.NumberofProcessors & _
                        " Processor(s) Installed."
        intCount = 0
        set colProcs = goWMIService.InstancesOf("Win32_Processor")
        for each objProc in colProcs
           intCount = intCount + 1
           oNotepad.writeline vbTab & "[" & intcount & "]: " & _
                        objProc.Caption & " ~" & objProc.MaxClockSpeed & "Mhz"
        set colBIOS = goWMIService.InstancesOf("Win32_BIOS")
        for each objBIOS in colBIOS
           oNotepad.writeline "BIOS Version: " & objBIOS.Version
        Set dicProductType = Nothing
        Set objWMIDateTime = Nothing
        Set colOS = Nothing
        Set colCS = Nothing
        Set colProcs = Nothing
        Set colProcs = Nothing
        Set colBIOS = Nothing



Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Loadrunner - Rendezvous point.

Loadrunner - Rendezvous point.

Every one is aware of what is Rendezvous point, once controller detect Rendezvous point in the selected script, it will enable Scenario | Rendezvous in the menu bar.

User can select this option and perform following operations

1. Enable/Disable Rendezvous point.
2. Disable virtual users.
3. Setting Policies.

Attaching pop-up screen shot.


Fiddler - HTTP(S) traffic recorder.

Fiddler - HTTP(S) traffic recorder.


Link to Fiddler

You can use this application to understand browser request and server response. Fiddler is a freeware and can debug traffic from any application. Author has provided video tutorials on different features available on this tool. Most of the performance testing tools use similar methodology for creating performance testing scripts.

I suggest every one (especially performance testing engineers) to use this application to understand request and response at root level.  

If your application is https, enable https option.

Attaching Fiddler screen shots.
