Sunday, June 13, 2010

Cloud load testing

Cloud load testing.

Cloud computing is Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software and information, are provided to computers and other devices on-demand, like the electricity grid.

In other words implementing virtualization concept in massive scale.

1. You can easily access the cloud server using personal computer and put what ever the software you like.
2. Scalability - Increase or decrease the hardware based on the requirements. One or Two or Three or N servers available on demand.
3. Instant - You can immediately host the website.
4. Save Money - Pay for what you use.

Understanding cloud computing, cool video, worth watching it.

Some top cloud computing companies to watch.

1. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)
2. AT&T
3. Enomaly's Elastic Computing Platform (ECP)
4. Google
5. GoGrid
6. Microsoft
7. NetSuite
8. rackspace
9. Right Scale
10. salesforce
11. OpSource

For the past 16 years Mercury Interactive dominated the enterprise testing market with Loadrunner and QTP. Back in 1994, IT architecture was driven by client server model.

Now we are in the age of cloud computing, new generation architecture and technologies evolving faster than what we have imagined. In the testing space, after 16 years of domination, Mercury appears ready to relinquish its leadership position to a new breed of testing vendors.

What is cloud load testing? 

There are companies that can simulate load for any number of users from any part of the globe using cloud testing services.
(1) Not required to buy own internal resources (Hardware, internet connection, routers...).
(2) Realistic scenarios, load is generated from different parts of the globe, entire infrastructure get tested (gateways, firewalls, routers, servers...)
(3) There is no limit to the number of users, unlimited power. It depends on the vendor license agreement.
(4) More savings, pay for what you use, when really required.

Some of the cloud load testing service sites:
Load testing from cloud, video by Webperformance tool.
Platform Lab
Browser Mob
Load Impact
Load Strom
HP - Beta
sauce LABS

Performance Testing - On LAN and over the Internet (WAN).


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