Selenium Webdriver - Creating XPath.
Note: Contents are taken from this link
GUI Element | Corresponding XPath | Remarks |
<input type="submit" value="Save"/> | //input[@value='Save'] | Exactly matches the text "Save" |
<input type="submit" value="Save1"/>
<input type="submit" value="Save2"/>
//input[@ type =' submit '][1] matches the 1st input element, "Save1"
//input[@ type =' submit '][2] matches the 2nd input element, "Save2" | |
<a href="somelink">Structure</a> | //a[text()="Structure"] | Exactly matches the value within a given tag. Here the text "Structure" which is in between the <a> tag (anchor tag) |
<a href="somelink">x_structure_y</a> | //a[contains(text(),'structure')] | Like wildcard search, matches the input element which has the text "structure" within a given tag |
<input type="button" name="ccd_ccd_81533739_removeevent"/> |
//input[contains(@name,concat("ccd","_","ccd","_")) and contains(@name,"removeevent")]
Note: The above xpath can be used when the attribute value has a part which is dynamic in nature (here in this case the text in between "ccd_" and "_removeevent" '81533739" keeps on changing everytime the GUI element is accessed)
| Matching multiple text(s) pattern of a attribute value |
<input type="text" value="Search..."/> | //input[@type='text' and contains(@value,'Search')] | Matches based on multiple attributes of a GUI element . Here the xpath of the text box is derived based on its 'type' and 'value' attributes |
Note: Contents are taken from this link
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